All of our frameworks enable effective OJEU-compliant procurement routes, allowing clients to place orders via mini-competitions or direct award. Through robust framework applications, requesting detailed information across multiple elements of our business operations including supply chain management, social value initiatives, innovation, compliancy with the Construction Handbook and our route to Net Carbon Zero, our framework agreements allow our clients to select a contractor who complies with the highest industry standards. Please find below the list of frameworks and lot that we have currently secured:
We are an Approved Supplier of the Major Works Housing Framework (MW24-H), Lot 2.1 Planned Maintenance and Fire Safety Works, an exclusive group of pre-qualified, specialist Contractors. Over the next 5 years, we shall deliver a variety of services to Public Sector Framework Members throughout London and the Home Counties.
The LCP DPS provides an EU compliant procurement system for a projects up to £1,000,000 in value on behalf of London-based Clients.
The PAGABO Refit and Refurbishment Framework runs from May 2023 to May 2027.
Direct award is available
Construction across all sectors
Available to both private and public sector clients
Lot 1, Essex
The Pagabo DPS provides an EU compliant procurement system for a wide range of small works up to £1,000,000.
The SEC DPS for Responsive Repairs, Voids and Planned Maintenance, procuring projects on behalf of London and South-East based Clients through restricted tender processes.
An approved contractor under the “Whole House Refurbishment” DPS, Lot 5 (“Multi-Disciplinary)
We are an approved contractor on the Westworks Buildings Maintenance DPS under Category 1; Building Maintenance and Compliance. This is for the provision of works and services for the maintenance, improvement, conversion, upgrading, regeneration, and refurbishment of dwelling houses, flats, sheltered schemes, sheltered accommodation, commercial and communal facilities, corporate property, and similar buildings.
We are an approved contractor under the CHIC AUOR (All Under One Roof) DPS, under the categories 1-20, including but not limited to:
Category 1 - Groundworks
Category 2 - Brickwork
Category 5 - Window and Doors
Category 7 - Roofing - Flat & Pitched Roofing
Category 9 - Plumbing - Bathroom Plumbing Installations, Kitchen Plumbing Installations
Category 10 - Joinery - Internal Joinery, External Joinery
Category 11 - Electrical
Category 12 - Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Category 13 - Plastering
Category 15 - Aids & Adaptions
Category 20 - Decoration - Internal and External
We are an approved contractor on the Construction and Development Works DPS under Lot 7; Principal Contractor (Full Management Service).